
An administration application for chess tournaments.


The program Swiss-Manager is an administration- and pairing program for chess-tournaments (round robin, team-round robin, swiss-system, team swiss-system tournaments).
An overview of important functions:
- Fide approved
- Simple handling
- Languages: German / English / Spanish / Slovenian / French / Turkish / Czech / Serbian / Polish / Croatian.
- Swiss system: up to 1200 participants and 46 rounds.
- Round robins: up to 150 rounds
- Team round robins: up to 1200 participants and 23 rounds.

- Team-Swiss system: up to 1200 participants, 150 teams and 23 rounds.
- Supports Unicode (i.e. Japanese)
- Simple player input with Fide-ratinglist and national rating list.
- Rapid and reliable pairing (mostly only few seconds).
- Processing simultaneous several tournaments.
- Convenient and rapid result input.
- Information, lists of all rounds can outputed any time.
- Output of all lists on screen, printer or text-, HTML- or Excel-file.
- Successful program application since 1986 during big national and international chess events.
- Estimated 40.000 tournaments were handled successfully. Nearly 20.000 tournaments are online available in the
- Tournament-database of chess-results!
- References: Customers from more than 110 federations..
- Simple publishing of tournaments at the international chess-tournament-result-server:
-, a very fast and reliable platform free to use for all chess friends.
- Operating system Windows XP and newer.
- Regular program- and rating-lists update.

Dipl. Ing. Heinz Herzog
License type:
ROJji 6 months ago

I can't change the language.

Domski 11 months ago

Easy to use. Nice app

Rickie Lairamdina 7 years ago

I couldn't use it, please tell me how to.

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